Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Attention Everyone!

When I was in my MPA orientation this morning, they mentioned about blogging. Long story short, there is this guy that started blogging the MPA program and he said that blogging is a very powerful tool. Even though no one comment on your blogs, they still read your blogs (which I find very encouraging). SO... I've been thinking lately that maybe I should write about more stuff in my blog. I would really LOVE to tell you guys about what I've been doing in my spare time, what recipes I've tried, what's the latest crafts I've made etc. just so I can write some more posts and talk to y'all more often.  And of course, I will also still share with y'all my experiences with the Lord.

I'm so excited! So please check out my blog at least once a week, I will try my best to write more. Oh, and I'll definitely upload pictures on my future blogs.

Much grace to y'all who are going to start fall semester soon!

1 comment:

  1. I want to see more pictures Pauline! I love reading your blog!
